
Deeper into the rabbit hole


Little Gothic Horrors said...

Oh, I love this one, Laury! Wonderland-y goodness! :)

Vanessa Morgan said...

Lovely. So much atmosphere.

Freakanzoy said...

Thank you ladies, it was inspired by a picture I saw somewhere in the dark depths of the internet, though I can't find it anymore.

David said...

Are you thinking of Dali and his melting clocks? http://www.goofts.com/pics/062013/1370289991-melting-clock-0.jpg

Freakanzoy said...

While I love his paintings this was inspired by something else, I just wish I remembered what it was!

David said...

Well, if you figure it out let me know. I am now highly curious.

Freakanzoy said...

I'm inclined to say it might have been Tim Burton as I look at his art the most.
I dreamed about the picture before I made this drawing and I seem to think there was a deer skull in it?

David said...

Got it!!! http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-kEeZC34FKsg/Tbm7dQ9t2cI/AAAAAAAAABI/VoIHyXxXvZM/s1600/TimBurtonArt.bmp

The Google search "Tim Burton Art" turns up some amazing stuff!

Freakanzoy said...

Wow, my dream was pretty accurate then :D